Vaccination is the administration of the antigenic material (a vaccine) to stimulate an individual’s immune system to develop adaptive immunity to a pathogen. We recommend vaccination for every child.

Click here to download our notice of privacy practices at Richardson Pediatric Associates. This notice describes how medical information about your child may be used and disclosed.

Click here to download new patient paperwork for your appointment with us, medical release forms and Well Child handouts.

MyChart is an easy and effective way for us to communicate with you. With MyChart, you can access your child’s medical records including, medical history, medications, allergies, immunizations and test results.
Click here to start using MyChart today!

Click below for a convenient way to manage your payments to Richardson Pediatric Associates. We partner with a third party, safe and secure service provider and an easy way for you to pay for services rendered.

Congratulations to Drs. Randles, Troendle, Smith and Pounds for being recognized by DFW Child as “Mom Approved Doctors!” This means our wonderful families took the time to nominate each of us as someone you would recommend to your friends. Thank you!!!
Well Child Visit
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends regular well visits during the first two years of life (2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months and 2 years) followed by annual well visits after the age of two. To monitor your child’s health and development it is important to bring them for regular check-ups.
Sick Child Visit
We offer same-day sick appointments. Call 972-952-0280 on the day you need a sick visit to schedule an appointment. If you have a medical emergency during office hours, we will do our best to see your child immediately or refer you to the appropriate facility.
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1. Our practice offers access to the Children’s HealthSM Nurse Advice Line for after-hours care. Please call our office at
972-952-0280 to be directed to the nurse line. Please save routine questions (mild illness, appointments, prescription refills) for normal office hours. Our nurses are available during office hours (Monday thru Friday, 9am–5pm) to answer any questions you may have regarding your child.

Office Hours
Monday thru Friday, 9am–5pm
Well or Sick Child Appointments
After-Hours Emergencies
Our practice offers access to the Children’s HealthSM Nurse Advice Line for after-hours care. Please call our office to be directed to the nurse line.

Introducing Kaela Donaldson, PA-C!
Richardson Pediatric Associates is excited to announce the addition of our newest Physician Assistant, Kaela Donaldson! Kaela recently relocated with her husband to Dallas from Colorado, where she worked as a Pediatric PA in private practice. Welcome, Kaela!